
Spiraling out of control. Observations about the ever changing photography business.

The Eric Rose Variation of the Iceland Lighthouse. Just for something different.

Life is odd in that it tosses detours at you that require time, attention and mind space. Sometimes other goals get side-tracked....

Sometimes it's fun to photograph buildings and landscapes.

Museum visit. Random.

When the lamp embraces external illumination.

Strategic placement of ads, logos and television sets. From the MOMA handbook of the secrets to being a "New Documentarian."

A celebration of the ultra-mundane. Codified collages of meaningless-ness. A brave expression of lack of expression. Another breakthrough day of breaking through into tedium.

Yellow flowers against an urban background.

Do you think the copywriter who crafted the words for this sign understood what they were saying? I'm not sure I want food or drinks which "Quench my Soul." Do you?