Do you think the copywriter who crafted the words for this sign understood what they were saying? I'm not sure I want food or drinks which "Quench my Soul." Do you?

From the Merriam Webster Dictionary....

 transitive verb

to put out the light or fire of
quench glowing coals with water
to cool (something, such as heated metal) suddenly by immersion (as in oil or water)
to cause to lose heat or warmth
you have quenched the warmth of France toward youAlfred Tennyson
to bring (something immaterial) to an end typically by satisfying, damping, cooling, or decreasing
a rational understanding of the laws of nature can quench impossible desiresLucius Garvin
the praise that quenches all desire to read the bookT. S. Eliot
to terminate by or as if by destroying ELIMINATE
the Commonwealth party quenched a whole generation of play-actingMargery Bailey
quench a rebellion
to relieve or satisfy with liquid
quenched his thirst at a wayside spring

Since all the stuff on the sign is beverages maybe they just meant "quench your thirst." 


  1. Well, I think they were using "quench" in the sense of "satisfy" rather than "extinguish". At least I hope so.

  2. It could help if you're on fire like Bruce Springsteen.


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