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Going out your front door is almost always more interesting than sticking around home. I went downtown and stumbled into a protest march with several thousand people. Well, I already had the camera with me.... so....

Another in a series of bad looking hats.  It was the first really hot afternoon in a while. A harbinger of a toasty Summer in our future. Around two in the afternoon I figured I was never going to get well acclimated to the coming heat waves if I didn't get out and start walking through the primoridial steam bath so I headed out to see what a clear bright day might deliver. I guess my other choices might have included sitting here in the office endlessly staring at stuff on YouTube. Or worse, I could have chosen sitting in front of a large TV  with a bowl of ice cream in my hands, watching first golf, then baseball, then football. then horse racing and then bowling; all the time wondering why I have lower and lower energy, pants that shrink by the week and a basket full of chronic health problems. I opted out of those choices and cinched up the laces of my shoes. What's 95 degrees and a half dozen miles of brisk walking gonna get you anyway? Oh, that's right, good health, a

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