Someone was able to post an unmoderated comment. We've changed stuff.

 I was checking on comments today. Even though I moderate comments at nearly the speed of light no comment gets posted until I say so. At least I thought that was the way it was supposed to work. But I opened up the blog today and there was a comment which was a spam ad to sell black market pistols. Not something anyone should support. 

I sent as much information as I could to Google's security team and then immediately changed all the passwords for the account and the site, also making sure that two step authentication is active. The web is sucky where security is concerned. And the closer we get to the election the more spam stuff I wade through every day when moderating comments. It's unpleasant. 

If security continues to degrade I really will have no ethical (and self-preservation ) excuse to continue the blog. I hope Google pays attention to this. 

Pain in the ass, for sure. 

That's all I've got this morning. I spent too much time at museums yesterday. But it sure was fun. Also got to hear poet, Rita Dove, read selections from her work. Including some from her latest collection of poems. A wonderful evening at the Humanities Research Center on the UT campus. 

In the morning yesterday, I went to see a wonderful surrealism show at the Blanton Museum. So much good work there this fall....

The other side of photography is taking time to see new things. 


  1. Kirk, I ‘d hate to see you give up the blog. But if you think it makes sense to take a pause until after the election, I think most of us would understand and support that. Also, my regular Google log-in works again. Yay!

    1. Thanks Biro, But the second cup of coffee helped strengthen my resolve. It was just unsettling to have some breach the security of the blog comments. Hope it doesn't happen again! And....I was able to sign in again!!!

  2. Computer security is a daily exercise in keeping one step ahead of the mischief makers. Sucks.

    Personally I would really miss your blog. Yes I'm being selfish but there just isn't one that I have found that is as intelligent, thought provoking and entertaining as this one.


  3. Kirk, Eric said what I was thinking. And I'm sure a couple of us would be happy to stand at the front gate! And there is a lot of talk that the Australian public are more interested in the US politics/election than their own. I think it's the medias fascination with it

  4. Maybe the rouge gun comment displaced my own, much more lucid one.

  5. I ocasionally get a spam comment to my blogspot blog but they go to my email first and I belete them unposted. I've never had one sneak through the moderation procedure.


Post a Comment

If your comment sucks I won't post it. If it doesn't make sense I won't post it. If I disagree with your premise you've still got a go for it.
If you want to be a smart ass and argue with me don't bother. If you have something smart to say then WELCOME. If you tell me I must be nice and well mannered toward stupid content on other people's blogs please don't bother. I'm self censoring. But in a good and happy way. Your shaming probably just sucks... Have a nice day.