Luck? Planning? Logistics? Anti-Social Behavior? Science?


As of today (this morning at 10:15, to be precise) I have received every available vaccine and booster against Covid since the inception of vaccines. I also continue to use a face mask when flying commercial. The benefit? Thus far I have not contracted the virus, nor has my spouse. 

Of course, it's not all about the vaccines. We both spend most of our time away from large groups of people as we don't have to go in to regular jobs. We tend to go out to eat only at off times for restaurants. We hang out with other healthy people who also believe in science.

I'll take good health over ideology any time. It's good not to get sick. It's hard to make photographs when you feel like crap. And...if you have relatives who've managed to make it into their 90s it only seems fair to err on the side of caution and respect. 

The Moderna vaccines hit most pharmacies yesterday. If you are old enough to be on Medicare then the vaccines are free to you. 

Next up? The "over 60" flu shot. I like to time that one for the first of October...

Note: I will gleefully moderate out of existence any contrary comments with a political bent so, please, don't waste your time. 


JC said…
Totally agree. I target Sept. 15-30 for both shots, wanting the most recent covid and to get the flu shot late enough that it will cover me through spring.
Right on target John. I would hate to be one of those people who gets a bad case of long Covid. I'd regret it more if I knew I could have prevented it....
Kenneth Tanaka said…
Yup. My updates are scheduled next week...shifted slightly to provide peak protection during the time we will most be around people. I've also managed to remain a COVID virgin. (I don't call it a "mask". As such I call it a "facial chastity belt".) Science works! (mostly)
John Abee said…
We might consider making it a trifecta by adding the RSV vaccine. I appreciate that this is typically recommended for those of us "of a certain age" but I discussed this with my PCP the other day and I'm all in. Just suggesting we consider it. We should all reach our own conclusions but don't come crying to me ...
John, I stagger my vaccines because I seem to have strong side effects from most of them. For example, by "bed time" last night I had a fever, body aches, nausea, and a very sore arm. If I tossed in a couple more vaccines on top of the Covid booster I'd have been exponentially more miserable. Flu shot in a couple weeks. RSV after that. My doc says a strong reaction is indicative of a strong immune system. From my point of view it's just misery...
Bill Bresler said…
My wife and I both got the latest vax 2 days ago. As usual, she was down for the count for 24 hours. Me? I had a mildly sore injection site. I credit my neanderthal genes. We lost our Covid virginity a couple of days before Christmas. The upside is that we were hosting a crowd on Christmas Eve, so the 'vid saved us a ton of work. (Don't tell Susan I said that!) Both of us had very mild cases. Sniffles for me, plus a headache for Susan. The cold we both got from our 3 year old grandson a few weeks later was much worse and lasted longer, too. I'll get the flu and RSV vax in October.
Have you had the Shingrix shots yet?
Bill, Last year: Shingrex and Pneumonia. I'm not fooling around with this stuff. Not if there's an "easy" solution. But man! That Shingrex really kicked my butt...
Steve Clark said…
Had the same startling discovery with the Shingrix, the first injection was no big deal, the second was an ass-kicker! Fortunately, it's a one time deal
Anders said…
Had a Covid vaccine 3 or was it 4 times and had Covid once. It only took 2-3 days with mild symptoms. Wouldn't care to use a face mask or avoid crowds. Never had a flu since i was young where I had a really bad one, so I don't care to have a vaccine for flu either.
Richard said…
Got my 2nd shingles vax next week. Didn’t enjoy the first one but as I had shingles a few years ago which was incredibly painful and debilitating (still got a numb spot on my back from the nerve damage), the vax is preferable. Will also take the Covid vax if offered.

I was unfortunate enough to catch Covid in March 2020 just as lockdown started (here in the UK). Half the office got it as a few execs had brought it back from a company event at the Cheltenham Races (a super spreader event which the Government refused to cancel). Laid me up for 2 weeks with fever, banging headache and loss of smell, taste etc. I count myself lucky that I recovered fully and didn’t get long Covid. Took a couple of months before I could breathe normally though.
Biro said…
My wife and I usually wait until late October to get our COVID and flu shots - often together. That way, the four-month maximum protection from the vaxes will last into March. So we’re covered for the entire winter indoor season. But we get both every year. We used to get the spring boosters but started skipping that in 2023. Not sure about the RSV vax yet.