I met with a photographer today for lunch. We talked about cameras, travel, and other stuff. As always, it was fun.
My lunch companion photographed me with my own Leica SL2-S.
It got messy. Veblen smeared all over the white linen table cloth....
Just tragic.
Later, I chilled out in my office and put my feet up on my desk.
I looked at all the stuff strewn around the studio and decided
to burn the place down. It would have been so much more trouble to
spend time cleaning and sorting....
Then I photographed this half case of wine. Well, less than half a case by one bottle.
It's definitely not Veblen wine. It's just a meager assortment of St. Emilion Grand Cru.
Pedestrian and almost undrinkable. But as they say at Sam's Warehouse:
"We have cheaper wines over there in cans. It's just as good."
I took an over-priced camera to a job today. It was incapable of
focusing at the speed of light and it was way too dear to use in public. You understand, the roving gangs of camera thieves that specifically target only cameras made in Europe... I must have been
cheated because it was no faster or less noisy than any number of cheaper cameras.
I shouldn't even consider sending a bill to my client.
They must have been embarrassed when they realized how
incompetent I was with my money. I guess I owe it to all of my clients
to repent and work only with Sony, Canon or Nikon cameras.
And here I always thought that clients hired photographers based
on the photographer's point of view....how silly of me.
At least I didn't overspend on the lighting. Cheap flashes on cheaper stands.
Sadly, they kept falling over. Which kept people from looking too closely at the
shitty, pretentious, camera I was using. Amazing to look back and consider that
I used such inappropriate tools during large swaths of my career but still
avoided having to live out of my car.
Just amazing.