And then...there's color. From the McNay Museum's show of the Torres Brothers, entitled "Upward Mobility."


Ancient Olmec Space Explorer.

the "stare down" between an Olmec Lunar landing module and a
modern gallery visitor. 

Giant Lenticular collages depicting Putin as the ultimate
destructive evil.

color can give art heart.

All captured by an artist using a Leica Q2 to
to document art and convert it to tiny little colored phosphors on a screen.


Not sure I understand your comment. Clarify?
JC said…
As in, "I no Leica the art?" I actually stole the comment from the NYT review of a play called "I Am A Camera." The two-word review was, "No Leica."
Gary said…
O.k., with these wonderful photos of the exhibit I better understand why you might like it. I can appreciate the Olmec stuff; but the dinner table?? Judy Chicago did a much better job in the same realm.
Now I understand. Excuse the almost immediate push back yesterday evening. All good here.
""Judy Chicago did a much better job in the same realm."" I saw the Judy Chicago show with the banquet table and it was great. This one is great as well but since it's made up of tons of small icons, models, constructions, etc. it doesn't come across as well in photographs. If they reprise the show at another museum you might see it and compare. All art is good art.