A review of the Carl Zeiss 35mm ZM f2.0 Biogon lens. An indepth, must read review!!!

It's small.
It's light.
It seems well built.
It seems pretty sharp. 
It was much cheaper than the new Leica equivalent. 

I like it.

The mannequins have left the building. Mic drop.



  1. I think I'm gonna be able to comment (if Google actually does its thing).

    Zeiss ZM 35/2 Biogon T*. Wonderful little lens. Not much else to be said, really.

  2. I love the colors in your images-- the lens does it job well in your hands

  3. The Zeiss 35mm f2.0 Biogon was my first M lens (originally paired with my M8 and now meeting it's full-frame destiny on the M10). It's still a favorite although I'm also a fan of the tiny Voigtlander 35mm Color Skopar f2.5 and would like to try the f2.8 Zeiss 35. Greetings from Vancouver!


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