Texture Mania. Flat Test Charts? Not a Chance.

 If anyone is planning to be in Austin, Texas between August 31st and the end of the year, and still loves photography, the Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin (where my students in the art department voted me most likely to order pizza!) is having a show of and about Ansel Adams. Not just about  A.A. but also the people who were contemporaries, and successive generations that were influenced by him. 

Here are the details: 

It's free to the public. 

As the HRC website says, the show will have prints by Ansel Adams as well as prints by his predecessors and the generations of photographers that he inspired/influenced etc. The HRC makes the best use of Texas Oil Money and huge endowments to do a really, really good job with their shows. Always well lit and well hung. Well worth the trip across town or from wherever. 

I'm a fan of the spirit if not all the work. But I wouldn't miss the show because I might actually learn something that adds to my appreciation of his work. And the air conditioning in the HRC is arctic quality...

Bonus: once you get here for the Ansel Adam's show you can walk about three blocks Southwest and visit the Blanton Museum. Also on the UT campus. Make a day of it! Have some Tex-Mex for lunch in between. 

Get in touch if you want and we'll all get Zoned Out together.


EdPledger said…
Ordinarily you would have to threaten to drag my ancient ass thru prickly pear before I would drive to Austin, buuut, I might do it to see this…and the Blanton as you suggest.
Dick Barbour said…
Sounds like a great exhibition; thanks for letting us know about it. I only have to drive from Georgetown, but hate fighting the traffic. I will try to make it next week, anyway.
Dick, I think it will be worth seeing. If you have an open schedule you might try for Tuesdays. That way you can go to the Blanton Museum for free! Leave for Austin around 10 for lowest traffic. Flee Austin by 2 pm to miss the worst of the maelstrom. Best coffee closest to the HRC? Right across Guadalupe at Medici Caffe. They're nice too.
Ron White said…
Kirk, my wife worked in the Medical Clinic at Yosemite in the mid sixties. She worked with Ansel's son Michael, an MD. She also took a few classes with Ansel and purchased seven of his signed photos. We have them well framed and displayed in our home. I was in the Air Force and came close to working with Michael. He left Bitburg, Germany two days after we arrived in the early 70s. I was lucky to meet him. I'm a lucky guy.
Dick Barbour said…
OK, Kirk, Tuesday it is. Sounds like a fun day at the HRC and Blanton (which I've been to but you can never see it all and it changes, anyway). And coffee at the Medici; thanks for the tip. And all free except for the coffee!