Yeah. My car goes fast but it looks like all the other Japanese sedans around town. I found the solution. Now I'm just trying to decide on the right design.

My Gateway to "Real" Downtown.

I was walking downtown with a camera when I came across an event called, "DreamCon" at the Austin Convention Center. Outside the North doors to the facility was a line of really fun cars. All decorated with swirls of color and provocative anima characters. Most of the cars were lowered and a peek inside a few engine compartments showed that the guts of the cars had been tweaked for street racing. Oh Boy! And I was looking for a new hobby!!!

Of course I still need to land on a color scheme and some busty graphics for the sides and the hood. I took some "field notes" with an M240+35mm ZM lens. I'm sure the brain trust here will help me decide just what would be appropriate for car decor in my neighborhood. 

These folks have serious hobbies. Mine? Not so much. 

The endpoint of the photography for this walk.
The rest of the way back to the car was spent quietly pondering
whether I should go with Anima characters or if 
Pokemon characters might unnecessarily date me. 
I'd hate to be the only 68 year old on my block
still sporting Pikachu on the hood of my car...
...Maybe Team Rocket instead. 



  1. I look forward to seeing the results of your new hobby. I think hot pink would fit your neighborhood nicely. Well, maybe not right now, but you could be the driving force (pun intended) behind an Austin renaissance! Get those sleepy, tree-shaded enclaves out of their doldrums! And I wouldn't go with Anime; that's so last century. Do something modern like a couple of Marvel superheroes draped across the hood. That's big box-office nowadays. And you'll be able to look down your nose at all those Leica-snobs or even the Hasselblad-snobs; your car will make their camera expenditures look like small change.

  2. If you go to all the trouble, find a graphic that transforms the sedate sedan into a red Porche 911.

  3. I’m sure these things are wraps, so you aren’t permanently defacing your car when trade in time comes. Personally I wouldn’t go with the comic book images but rather something more original. I have only been reading you for a very short time so I don’t feel like I have a good handle on your personality, so making a specific recommendation is not in the cards. Flames are too 50’s, maybe a babe focusing her rangefinder on passersby?

  4. At my age I wouldn't even try to keep up with the kool kids. My retro design would be Speed Racer. Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer, Go Spreed Racer, Goooooo !

  5. Spider-Man, Kirk. That’s who you need on the wrap you get for your Legacy Sport Turbo.

  6. Wait a minute. I take that back. Dr. Doom is who you need, Kirk. Yeah… Dr. Doom… that’s the ticket…

  7. Biro, Working on it. Also need to add hydraulics so I can bounce it. Old school.

  8. Oh why not go all USA USA USA and put Captain America on your car. But he would need to be slinging a Leica rangefinder in one hand and a Godox off camera flash in the other. His shield could be used as a light modifier.

    You know me well enough to know I'm just joking. A bad joke at that.


  9. I think vinyl wrap your existing car with photo's of mannequins

  10. I am kinda thinking that an image on the hood of Henry White toting a Leica in one hand and a reflector or off-camera flash in the other could be the winning ticket. Maybe The Lisbon Portfolio could be sticking out of his side pocket?

  11. Put the top half of the mannequin with the outstretched arm on the sides of your car.

  12. I've given up with helping you into a classy retirement. A 911 Carrera 4S or an F-Type Jag ragtop would get you around town in style for less than $130K, but no, you waste your money on cameras. Cameras have no particular look, no matter how well they handle -- and remember, It's always better to look good than to feel good.

  13. Well you could have a wrap created that is all black, except for a big red circle on the hood, and the phrase “I Leica this car a lot.”. (Sorry - I couldn’t resist.)

  14. I like that. I bet mermaids could really turn some heads in your neighborhood!

  15. Kirk,

    Keep your car and graft on a set of 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Tail fins. Those with the bullet tail lights should really help set your car apart from the crowd.

    If your current ride is not High End enough for the Caddy fins try a lower cost alternative: The 1960 Plymouth Belvedere.

    You will surely stand out in the crowd. Help it along with custom graphics of cameras, shutters and add a real Tripod for the Antenna.

    No need for a new car when you can make your own "your own".


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