Austin blessed with insanely good Summer weather. I can't believe this is the forecast for the last week of July!!!


Our weather this Summer has been 180° different from last year when we were in severe drought, daily experiencing highs in the 100s, and heat indexes over 110°. So far I've used the lawn sprinklers four or five times since May but everything is staying nicely green. We have intermittent rain nearly every week including a downpour for several hours just yesterday!!! I just looked on my phone and here is the forecast from today until Tuesday a week and a day from now. Only one day at 90° and chances of rain for seven out of the next nine days. Meaning... we'll be going into August, usually our hottest month, with water saturated soil. The evaporative cooling that results will serve to tamp down temperatures for at least the first ten days.

People ask me where I'm going on vacation this Summer. When I look at the weather maps I see the usual tourist spots on the east and west coasts being plagued with heat domes. And, unlike Texans most of these folks are not highly conversant with the idea of air conditioning everywhere. I'll stay in Texas while the weather is good. The pool is cool and clear and the road traffic is less packed because everyone else is leaving to go somewhere, anywhere, just for the sake of saying they went on vacation. 

If you are living in paradise do you really want to follow the crowds into a hellscape? None for me thanks. I'll do my traveling in the Fall, as the gods intend. 


  1. +1 for fall vacations. Spring vacations are nice too, except when it is a spring break week.

  2. Weird coincidence again!

    Looking at the same app, but in SE PA, the major difference is cooler nights. I suspect that our humidity may be higher, though.

    Ah, those lazy hazy crazy days of summer.

  3. Given the occasional crazy heat, you'd think we'd be smarter about building neighbourhoods with needlessly wide streets full of heat-absorbing asphalt or concrete.

  4. Based on past experience, all I have to do is plan a trip to Austin and the predicted high temperatures will increase by at least 10 degrees -- so I'll do you all a favor and stay here in Philly for the summer. You're welcome.

  5. My electric bill is loving it. One of the few green summers in greater Austin ��


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