Revisiting an image from a walk in San Antonio.

Photographer on Commerce St. San Antonio, Texas.

 A while back I was in San Antonio for no particular reason. I was walking around the downtown area with a Leica Q2 enjoying a bright, cool afternoon and looking for interesting things to photograph. I used to visit San Antonio more frequently when my parents were still alive because they provided a good reason to make the trip down. I could hang with them for a while at the "ancestral" house to catch up on family news and then, when the conversation drifted off, I'd head downtown for a look around. For a couple of years after my father passed away I really didn't have the desire to go back. With both parents gone and their house emptied out and sold it seemed like some of the tentacles that attached me to the place had disappeared. The magnets were losing their charge.

I'd go back for business reasons and B. and I would head down for major holidays to see her family but my old San Antonio just wasn't the same. At least it wasn't the same for me. 

San Antonio grew up. I grew up. Everything changed. I shot my first cookbook, for Texas Monthly, mostly in San Antonio. My early street photographs, on Kodachrome 64, were taken on the streets of San Antonio --- during Fiestas. My first black and white "girlfriend" photographs were done in my old neighborhood there. On her back porch. It was my "coming of age" city, in many ways. 

It used to be grittier, cheaper, more tawdry and authentic. More dangerous and more fun. And I'm certain parts of the city are still "charming" in that fashion. But those are parts of the city that seem inaccessible to me now. I don't fit anymore. 

One Saturday morning in early February of this year I woke up feeling a vague desire to get out of Austin and go someplace that was easy to walk through, easy to photograph in, and just easy to exist in. I pointed my car South and an hour later ended up parking three or four blocks from the Alamo. I spent the day walking through the main streets of Commerce and Houston mostly marveling at how much had changed and how carefully aimed at the tourists so many of the rehabilitated venues were. But equally amazed that so many buildings further towards El Mercado (The Market) were still standing and still playing host to vaguely sinister businesses like pawn shops and "finance" companies. Beauty parlors and dangerous looking bars that seemed to cater to local day drinkers. 

I came down to walk and look at least as much as I came thinking I might find great shots. Or even good shots.  It might be my imagination but back in the 1970s and 1980s people were slender, healthier, and because they had definition they had innate style. Now everyone looked like a potato. Potatoes with legs and arms. Gone were the dark, alluring young woman carefully navigating the uneven sidewalks on stiletto heels, replaced by woman in extra, extra large black tights and odd but colorful track shoes. And now covered with tattoos. And men who've become even more ponderously huge. 

The hand painted signs that used to dot the shops along the streets replaced by TV screens and monitors with ever changing marketing programming and bad graphics. And burglar bars and surveillance cameras. 

As I walked through the city I was hit with a wave of sadness. So much had changed but what resulted was a homogenized vision of tourism for people who couldn't afford to load their families into airplanes for exciting trips to far off places; instead the city had become a magnet for people who could drive in and spend the day looking for attractions like, the RiverCity Mall or a Wax Museum filled with second tier rock stars and soap opera divas. Like P.T. Barnum's Exciting Museum of thrilling crap from horror movies. And countless identical "Tex-Mex" restaurants serving greasy tortilla chips and cheap margaritas. 

None of it seemed particularly interesting or photo worthy but I shot it all anyway because, I guess, that's what I do. I looked at the folder today, saved the photo above and tossed the other couple hundred images. I mean, at a certain aesthetic level, what's the point?

I met my older brother and his wife at the end of the day at a restaurant out on the 410 Loop road. It was a restaurant that had been in our old neighborhood when we were kids in high school. The original lost its lease and relocated a couple of times until they ended up on the periphery of a nice, old patrician neighborhood called, Alamo Heights. The menu has persevered over all the relocations and the passage of time. New owners leveraging gustatory nostalgia with decent food and newer decor. But still the same good margaritas and very nice salsa. And the older ladies with blue hair.

My brother asked me, in passing, what I'd been photographing that day. I answered vaguely that downtown had always interested me and I came down with a camera because I wanted to see what had changed. He asked me what had changed. I responded: "Not much. And everything. But mostly me." The topics moved on to kids, investments, health care, and all the usual stuff. We said goodbye in the parking lot and I headed back in the dark. Down a ribbon of highway that I've traversed in both directions maybe a thousand times. Maybe more. Usually with a Nikon or a Leica keeping me company on the front seat.

For some reason that night I remembered my first trip alone from San Antonio to Austin. It was in a big, brown Chevy Biscayne (the poor man's Impala). The car was a 1970. The year I drove it up was 1973. It had no air conditioning. It wasn't that the car's air conditioning was broken it was because my parents were so frugal they just didn't see the point of buying an air conditioned car in Texas... Interesting times. Interesting family. We never owned a color TV either. I think I bought my first color television after I worked in advertising for about three years. I only bought it because I needed to watch the commercials we were producing back then. There never was much else on.

Anyway, the old cars were fun to drive. They were big and sloppy and all over the road. The Biscayne had the standard GM 350 cubic inch V-8 and vinyl bench seats and I'm pretty sure I made that first trip alone because nobody else really wanted to spend a hour on the road without air conditioning. With the back of their legs sticking to the plastic seats.

Now that I write all this down I remember that the second two cars I bought for myself had no air conditioning. One was a white VW bug I bought for $800 and drove for years. The other was a Chevy half ton pick-up truck with a three speed stick on the steering column. Also not air conditioned. Crazy choices for a state that bakes more often than it chills. 

I drove an art director who came down from Harrisburg, PA. all over Louisiana one Summer, shooting historic plantations and showcase, restored "antique" homes. And food. All for Early American Life Magazine. We stopped frequently to buy ice for the ice chest that road in the back with the gear. And the 4x5 sheet film. And the boxes of Polaroid test materials. My first long job with a 4x5 camera...

I had the VW bug when I got hired to drive all over Texas for Texas Monthly Press to shoot their cookbook, Creative Mexican Cooking, by Anne Lindsay Greer. Ms Greer would decide on the restaurants and I'd meet her at the location. I had all my photo gear in two plastic milk crates and, as I mentioned, no A/C. The only time it was almost a disaster was  the time I had to head up to Dallas in August to photograph at the very, very tony Mansion on Turtle Creek. ( they did ask me to park the car in the back. In the staff parking lot... it was not valet-able).

The shoot went well. The book did well. But I remember most trying to get out of Dallas and back to Austin at rush hour on a Friday with a massive traffic jam and me stuck right in the middle of it with my hot little car, and hearing on the A.M. radio that it was 107 real degrees (not "feels like" ) that afternoon. Traffic moved slowly. And then not at all. And then slowly some more. And while I sweated like a glass of frigid beer in a sauna my real worry was the shot film cooking in the back seat. I stopped for gas and spent my last seventy five cents on a five pound bag of ice to cover the shot film. Desperate times. 

So many memories come to the fore when you are motoring North towards home. 

I liked the guy in the portrait above. He was heading into a workshop about portraits right there on Houston St. when he spied me walking along with my Q2. He stopped me to ask about it and thought, maybe, that I was coming to the workshop. He was open to being photographed. It was a nice moment. 

It made the trip a bit more rewarding. 

I often get asked, here and in other places, why I'm not jetting around the world to all the old cliché places like Rome and Paris to try and make photographs like I did when I was in those cities in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. And I have to answer that those days are gone. The cities have changed and I have changed. Once upon a time on any October day you could walk up to the Louvre, pay your three dollars and stroll right in. It was a time pre-pyramid. A time when there were scant tourists after labor day. When the people in Paris looked profoundly different than people in Rome or Austin or NYC. 

Now you might as well go to Disney World. Either way you'll spend your time in the Summer waiting in long lines and paying through the nose for the privilege. And part of the privilege is being surrounded by Americans on vacation. A sore spot for the locals in almost every regard. 

A dour day here at VSL.. GZA....for no reason whatsoever. Nothing's gone wrong. It's just the dystopian ennui of an older than average photographer stuck in a wheel of unrelenting change. And very little of it much good. 

At least we have the mannequins...


  1. Like they say, you can never go home.


  2. I hear you, Kirk. While I’ve realized both the world and I have been changing all along, it has hit home more than ever since my retirement at the end of 2023. Not only have things changed… I’m now invisible to much of society. But that’s okay, I’ll deal with it. It eventually happens to all of us and I’m sure you know that. But those who still see me and might even occasionally ask me for advice will be well rewarded by the fruits of my experience. The joke is on those who don’t.

    On the matter of air-conditioned cars, I was driving a 1973 Ford Maverick (inline six and three-speed auto) without AC when I moved from New Jersey to Florida in 1982. I handed off the Maverick to my wife after relocating and I picked up a 1973 VW Beetle that served me well - but was definitely not equipped with AC.

    For a few years afterward, I showed up each day at the radio station where I worked drenched in sweat and in a really bad mood. It took me an hour or more to calm down and feel “normal.” Then, the local Ford dealer had an unexpected and most-excellent sale on the (then) new Ford Festiva sub-compact hatch. It was my first new car. And my first with AC.

    I always thought that I was simply an angry young man when I arrived at work in a bad mood. But an air-conditioned car changed my life. Suddenly, I had patience and humor! And I decided that air conditioning - at least in the sunbelt - was not a luxury but a necessity. And I have never owned a vehicle without climate control since.

    By the way, my parents never owned a color TV until after I left home. And we bought our first color TV after we arrived in Florida.

  3. i like the clichés and the mundane #Ymmv; i'm going to glasgow in August to hang out with friends and doing nothing except coffee and mundane photos. ok all right I may go to 1 museum :-)

  4. You made me think of my first car, a 1962 Buick Invicta convertible with a Wildcat 445 engine. It got 11 miles to the gallon and yeah, it floated like a battleship on the road. At least the top went down on hot days. I share your enuie. At 79 it takes more to excite me than it did back then when everything was new. Now I am part of the 1%. The 1% of age, not income. I am older than 99% of the people alive today and have seen enough of life (plus the changes you mention to the world we live in) that I find myself content with much less 'exciting' things. There's nothing wrong with that.

  5. Kirk, it's either catching or it's happening all over the world ...
    The Glasgow that I grew up in is not the one that I now live in. Some for the better but also some for the worse :(

    Roland, we have more than 1 museum worth seeing (& usually free) & there are some good cafes too. I hope that you get the weather that you want when you visit us (I know that some of my US relatives actually enjoy the rain when they visit).

  6. Heidirs: Glasgow is awesome. Was lucky enough to visit in the 90s. But I'm so over big tourism go where everybody else goes :-) Having said that of course I am a hypocrite and I love museums even the popular ones as well as the obscure ones and will probably go to at least 2 in Glasgow. I live in Vancouver, Canada so I love the rain :-) And my friends know all the great Glasgow bakeries and cafes. Really looking forward to that.

  7. I was in Glasgow last September. Loved the place!!

    My first car was a 1967 Chev Belair station wagon. It was powered by a 327 V8 and hobbled by a 2 speed slush bucket automatic transmission. We have a technical school here in Calgary so I took this vehicle in to get the rings done. They phoned me and said they had some race parts left over from a build they did. Would I want them installed. Naturally being a young man I said yes. The upshot was it would go like a bat out of hell and I would have to replace the transmission yearly. It had 4x60 air conditioning, 5 if you dropped the back window. Once I moved out on my own I gave the car to my dad (Mr.Leadfoot) and bought a Datsun B210 Coupe. Went from 7.5 mpg to 30 mpg. The Datsun was so easy to work on unlike the Detroit metal. I could do a complete rebuild of my carb in twenty minutes.

    As far as AC my dad was forced to install an aftermarket AC unit in his Buick one summer as we were driving through South Dakota. It was either that or face divorce. From that point on all cars had AC. I've had so many vehicles over the years I can't remember the first one that had AC.

    Now cameras have fans, who'da thunk it.


  8. Ah Kirk, I love this post. I'm in my late, late 70's and noticed the phenomena you speak of more and more over the last several years.There too many places I don't go back to because of the loss a visit evokes. This is, of course part of getting older and getting older is a privilege so not to complain too much. One of my current projects, for the city I live in, is documenting the natural change over of a "retired" golf course which is being allowed to return to its natural state with no interference or interventions. Going on my fifth year now and will doing a portfolio of the changes over the last five years. From what I see, it is remarkable how much it has changed and yet at the same time how long it will take for the course to fully return to the light forest/fields it one was. I won't see the "final" result several decades from now, but it is a quite wonderful to see it happen.

  9. Sounds like a group trip to Glasgow is in order? ;-)

    My first car was a 1970 Mustang Fastback with a 351ci V-8 engine... with no A/C. Living in California in the Summer, as long as you had a large bottle of ice water you could survive because of the relatively low humidity. You got hot, but you really didn't sweat that much... it's a dry heat.

  10. First car was a '64 VW bug that was simply worn out when I bought it. I replaced it with a '70 Ford Maverick, new from the dealer. Rubber floor mats, cheap cloth seats, AM radio, 3-on-the-tree manual transmission, no A/C, $1710 financed--first new car, how could I forget. Eventually traded it for a Honda Civic--still no A/C. No big deal, just open the windows. Louisiana heat had never bothered me before. But I got a job working for a daily newspaper in July '76 that kept me in the car, in city traffic, most of the day covering assignments. After one summer of that, I took possession of a new Chevy Nova with a really cold A/C. Summers became bearable.

    Do they even make cars without air conditioning anymore?

  11. This one hit home. I'm about 15 years ahead of you, and also spent some time (20 years, more or less) in the advertising agency business. Traded that for paradise, which progress has made unrecognizable. Change is brutal sometimes. We had the good years. Got lucky that way, our generation.

  12. i'm in glasgow August 4 and 10 , 2024, ping me rolandt AT if you want to meet up :-)

  13. The phenomena you are describing, Kirk - of, basically, the homogenization of cultures - the 'sameness' of tourists world-wide - the loss of those little details which used to seem to make some things (or everything, occasionally) come to life - but which now have departed - are, sadly, very real. And I think part of the answer lies in between Shakespeare's famous lines: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves." Obviously San Antonio (a city I only know slightly) must have changed in many ways - but more to the point, I'm guessing you have changed, in big ways and small, and that the Kirk of today, no matter how much he might wish, can't revisit the Kirks of yesteryear. Or, more to the point, since your article resonated with me on many levels, the Miguel of today. I grew up in Pasadena, once an eclictic city that, among other things, was an earthly paradise to Nerds of all stripes, including my father, who emigrated from Bolivia to attend Caltech and never left. Pasadena today still possesses some hidden corners and charms but, like San Antonio and everywhere else too, I imagine, it's partially succumbed to the homogenizations of which you speak.

    What hasn't changed, for me, is the allure of getting behind the wheel and heading out on the open road. Okay, maybe some roads today don't seem as open before - and maybe my air-conditioned AWD Subaru is light years from some of the funky old jalopies I think I spent half a lifetime in, not just driving from Point A to Point B, but also, on a lot of (unforgettable for me) occasions, heading out for parts unknown and barely enough for gas and cheap burgers along the way... That still energizes me. And while some of my snows of yesteryear* have melted, seems like new ones keep falling, thankfully.

    But the old Pentax Spotmatic on the seat next to me has given way to a Fuji X-T5 with an AF lens so... maybe I'm an unwitting victim of something as well. I hope not.

    (* Francois Villon, the 16th century French poet, famously asked where all the snows of yesteryear have gone? before answering his own question: they are melted... never to return.)

  14. VSL… What a strange acronym in your last but one paragraph… You mean GZA right ? :-)


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