
Feeling a bit silly today. Does shooting everything in black and white really, really make it better? More interesting? Seems like as long as stuff is black and white it gets an extra dose of fawning. Even though it's not all that hard to do....

Mannequin H.Q. on 2nd St. Closes forever. One last documentation.

Some thoughts about the Leica SL2-S while they are fresh in my mind.

Micro-Contrast versus Moiré. The grudge match.

Old lens. Good lens. Cheap lens. Sharp lens. You'll have to blame some other link in the chain....

The contrast between work and an open-ended, freeform schedule of not working.

OMG, HOLY-MOLY, Gee Whiz! That's some amazing optical performance from a thirty year old medium format lens!!!

Fresh "Food" for my little collection of M240 cameras.

Packing up for next week. One set up, static location and also a roving documentation. Working light but with control.

Luck? Planning? Logistics? Anti-Social Behavior? Science?