
Dani. In the studio.

A photograph of my friend, Michelle, from the last century. A "thank you" to GZA reader, Joachim.

Portrait photography with the Fuji GFX 50Sii and the older Pentax 120mm Macro lens is.......too easy.

Buying additional toys for the M system. Gearing up for tomorrow's location environmental portrait. Fun with real life.

Austin blessed with insanely good Summer weather. I can't believe this is the forecast for the last week of July!!!

One of my favorite writer/photographers, Kenneth Dixon recently published this article Go read?

Faster recovery than I imagined it would be. Ice packs work? Or...I was just bored having a sore, achy hand. Caution: This post safe for mannequins. And office buildings.

Injured photographer notice. One handed typing impedes timely posts!

What am I reading this week, this Summer?

Breaking with routines and walking casually through the park. Summer reading list. Thoughts on lazy days.

Yep. It's Summer in Austin. But I woke up this morning to lots of rain, thunder and lightning.