The McNay Museum in San Antonio, Texas. A never-ending source of inspiration. Love the De La Torre Brothers' show: Upward Mobility.


I could write about the show that's currently in the special exhibition space at the McNay Museum but I thought it would be just as good to photograph the descriptive copy put up by the curators and let you read it for yourself. 

I was down in San Antonio visiting a family member who has been taking care of another family member. She needed a break from caretaking and a few easy to source supplies. And a bit of "art therapy" and a nice dinner. I was happy to provide all. 

I traveled light. Just the new rocket car and a few credit cards. Oh, and one camera, one lens. It was my first trip longer than one hour in the new, gas-powered car. It was actually quite fun. 

We ended up at our favorite museum, the McNay. ( Situated in the middle of the most affluent neighbors in San Antonio this museum is, one of the finest in the country. Well, finest for fine art. No cars. No science. No history other than art history. I've been visiting since high school. I rarely miss a chance for even a short visit if I go to San Antonio. And it's in the center of the neighbor in which I grew up. Nice. Convenient. Fabulous. 

Occasionally they put up a special show which is temporary and requires a special admission fee to the featured gallery. A "whopping" $10. About the cost of 1.5 Austin Lattes. We walked into the museum, saw the title of the show and smiled. It was one of the most fabulous shows I've seen in a long time. Eclipsed anything I have ever seen at any museum in Austin, Texas. Which is a bit sad considering that Austin is the capitol city and also home of the biggest, baddest, best University in the world .... (hyperbole alert!!!). 

We spent a lot of time in the "Upward Mobility" gallery and it was time well spent. Many insider art history jokes and references in the show. Lots of contemporary fun. Wild, huge, rear lit, lenticular artworks. And even a full sized Mayan Lunar Lander Module and Aztec astronaut. The show is amazing and it will be on display for only two more weeks. 

Head to the McNay in San Antonio. Even if you miss this temporary show the museum is a treasure house of classical and modern art. Where else would you find a Deborah Roberts ( canvas hung next to a Picasso canvas? A Duffy next to a Cezanne? Random Andy Warhols? A gallery full of Georgia O'Keefe paintings with a couple of Giacomettis lingering nearby...? With or without a special show tossed in the permanent galleries offer at least a full afternoon of browsing and smiling. 

And afterwards? Head out for world class Tex-Mex food. We did. 

I shot some images in the temp gallery. They are nothing but a pale reminder or a shallow taste of the actual show. I used the Leica 240 M-E and the VM 50 APO. All shot wide open at f2.0. All shot at ISO 1600, which is imminently usable no matter what online reviews suggest. Take a peek at the show. Fire up your gas or electric car and head to SA for a longer and better look. 

Just a reminder that this week the Ansel Adams show opened at the HRC (which stands for both: The Harry Ransom Center and also the Humanities Research Center. Depending on how long you've been in Austin). It's free and it's a "gotta see." 

Tuesdays the Blanton Museum (about a football field away from the HCR) offers free admission. 
Make a day of it. And then head to San Antonio. 

Real art. No micro rehashing.