Fun stuff to do in paradise. Today.

B. in Verona.

It's another steamy day. I don't really care. I've got lots of fun stuff to do. 

I swam this morning so that was a good start. 

I listened to Billie Eilish's latest album on the "hi-fi" while I ate delicious garden vegetable soup for lunch.  I watched out the doors to the garden to see if the hawk would make an abrupt appearance. Nope. 

I sat in my favorite reading chair after lunch and read a few chapters of a collection of Billy Collins's poetry (he was the Poet Laureate of the USA for a while...) and was amazed at how much more I liked it on this read, some twenty years after first discovering it.

Tonight is "pizza night" and we nearly always do take out from a really wonderful pizzeria called, Baldinucci's. Amazing ingredients. Family run. Actually Italian!! Pricy... but cheaper than a really good steak. 

In honor of pizza night I drove over to my favorite wine shop and bought a "splurgy" bottle of Bordeaux. A Chateau Malescot St. Exupery Margaux, 2015. 

A really nice red blend. Should go well with pizza...

While I was out shopping I stopped into Trianon Coffee for a cup of coffee and a chunk of banana bread. Chocked full of walnuts! Took it all to-go. More enjoyable in solitude when it's hot outside.

Now sitting in my big, quiet, cool office casually looking through the web content and waiting for a delivery service to arrive with a big box. More cameras? You bet. 

Can't believe that after three days of punishing heat the lawn is still alive and doing moderately well. Must be clean living. And a septic system...