A thought exercise after reading William Irvine's book, "The Stoic Challenge."


What if you approached each photograph you wanted to take as if it was the last time? Maybe the last time you'd ever take a photograph. Maybe the last time you'd be able to photograph someone you loved very much. What would you do differently if you knew it was the last time?


  1. The older you get the more "last" things you do.

  2. "If death is certain, but he time of death is uncertain. What if you lived as if the next ten minutes were the last ten minutes of your life?" - Pema Chodron; Buddhist Nun

  3. I guess it boils down to if it’s worth doing it’s worth doing well. Ya and edit the output, don’t show me a dozen shots when one will cover it. My favorite complaint about 500px.

  4. Until a few years ago, I worked for a large senior living company, and as a personal project did portraits of residents in 6 or 7 of our communities. I'm sure some of them were the last portraits taken of that person. I looked back at them a couple weeks ago and would rank at least a dozen among the best images I've ever taken. I only wish I had their families' permission to share but learned the hard way that families can get upset even when the subject (clearly still of sound mind) gave their written consent.

  5. Every moment is your last moment, as far as you know. Enjoy.

  6. I think that if you lived your life as if the next ten minutes would be your last, it would be a hellish life and none of your friends and family could stand to be near you.

  7. That has been my problem of also thinking that “one will cover it”. I have a photo of a white goose that I took which i think is perfect, so I dont shoot goose photos anymore. I have a train photo which I think is the best train photo that I will ever take so i do not shoot train photos anymore. Same thing with flowers. i have great flower photos why take any more of those as well. I still take people photos because they are always changing and I find something new but other stuff not so much.

  8. Personally I would put the camera down, hold their hand and tell them how much I loved them. I would also tell them how they enriched my life. After that I might do a selfie with the two of us.

    The memory is worth more than any photograph.


  9. Um. Eric, I didn't mean that I had information or a premonition that the person in front of my camera was about to drop dead in ten minutes. Just that one never knows if it will be the last portrait, or the last dinner, or the last time you get to brush your teeth.

  10. Meaning, I could take a portrait of Belinda one day and then get hit by a bus two days later. Besides, I'm up to date on adoration of my loved ones....

  11. Kirk, I wasn't inferring you were lax in the adoration department. Having come close to death a number of times I guess I have a keen sense of just how fragile life is and what we take for granted is our life, I might have jumped to an erroneous conclusion about what the blog was about.

  12. i wouldn't do anything differently. i'd still take the same blurry diagonally tilted photos :-) i turned 60 last month so i've decided to use my photop to take selfies with my friends everytime i meet up with them since you never when/if the next time is

  13. Hi Eric, No sweat. Everyone approaches the concept from a personal angle. Me included.

  14. I would set my camera to a high shutter speed, set shutter release to timer (10 seconds) and then using the camera strap twirl the camera above my head.


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