Injured photographer notice. One handed typing impedes timely posts!

This morning, at an otherwise serene swim practice, a swimmer in an adjacent lane and I experienced a  head on, mid-air, mid-stroke hand collision. It happens; but rarely.

Randy, the oncoming swimmer in the next lane, is a big guy at 6'2" and quite fit. His hand impacted the back off my hand with a heck of a lot of force and the shock of the impact actually dazed me for a few minutes... He was fine. 

My lane mate is a nurse who was once a flight nurse who has seen and responded to off the charts traumas in helicopter rescues and in the E.R. for decades. She stopped swimming and evaluated my hand. Randy, who is a medical doctor also weighed in. No major damage but both agreed my hand would see some pain and impressive bruising. Both suggested putting ice on it. If it still hurts on Monday I'll go in to see my G.P. and get an x-ray. All the fingers move and no bones are sticking through the skin :-)

I told my swim friends I'd ice the hand right after I stop and get coffee. In unison they both said, "You mean you'll get coffee AFTER you ice it down...!!!"

 It's so slow and frustrating to type with one hand. Now I think I know how MJ feels.

This is just a note to let my faithful readers know that the usual bounty of posts may slow way down for a few days. I'll be relying on the house manager to handle stuff around the house and office. Fortunately it's the right hand that was struck. I am profoundly left handed. Lucky.

So, this is what pains feels like? Novel.


  1. Better after icing it down and immobilizing for the afternoon. Might be back in the pool tomorrow but might instead skip a day or two and hit the pool for the tougher workout on Tuesday. Able to hold a camera.... but only a Leica rangefinder at this point!

  2. You're left handed? That explains everything! ;-)

    Studies suggest that left handed people have better divergent thinking skills due to differences in their brain hemispheres.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you are in pain. I also had a mishap but it was my camera that got hurt, not me.The pain will be in my wallet.

  4. The various voice typing options are very good now. You might give it a try.

  5. Only use the Leica with a Summicron or Summitar! A Summilux would be too heavy. :)

  6. Rick, How about the collapsable 50mm f3.5 Elmar? Light as a feather...

  7. Left handed - well it is the -right- way to go about life!
    (and holding up those heavy cameras and lenses)


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